Admission Procedure
- Buy a copy of the college Prospectus from the college office.
- Fill the Admission Form legibly in your handwriting.
- Bring your Father/Guardian along and present yourself before the admission committee and get its recommendation.
- Present yourself before the Scrutiny Committee and get its approval.
- Go to the Principal for the final approval.
- Deposit fee on the prescribed date after your name appears in the merit list.
Rules for Admission
- A candidate seeking admission in any faculty will be required to obtain a copy of prospectus from
the college office.
- Candidates/ parents/guardian must read all instructions given in the prospectus carefully and
submit application form complete in all respects to the admission committee.
- The candidate must fill up the particulars in the prescribed admission form in his own handwriting
- Admission will be granted strictly on fulfillment of all eligibility conditions.
- Any gap in the academic career of an applicant must be supported by an affidavit attested by an
appropriate authority.
- A student must produce original documents at the time of admission.
- Rules of admission are subject to change as per HPU notification from time to time.
- Candidates coming from Boards/ Universities other than HPBoard of School Education,
Dharamshala/ HPU, Shimla, must produce migration certificate in original.
- A candidate having compartment in 10+2 in any subject is not eligible for seeking admission in
B.A./B.Com. I year.
- Admission of a candidate is liable to be cancelled if he/she furnishes incomplete/ false
information or in case of concealment of facts. Disciplinary action will be taken against such
- Girl students seeking admission in any class must bring an attested copy of HP Bonafide
Certificate to avail fee concession.
- Principal of the college reserves the right to disallow or cancel the admission.
- Students seeking exemption from tuition fee on the ground of special ability must attach the
certificate issued by the medical board.
- Only those candidates who have passed all the five papers including English from National Open
School are eligible.
- Student who fails in all compulsory and elective subjects or fails twice in the same class shall not
be re-admitted in the same class.
- The students who have passed Prabhakar without passing +2 are NOT eligible for regular
admission to any course in the college.
- Relaxation of 5 % in the minimum eligibility will be given to SC/ST candidates for admission to B.A/B.Com.
- Candidates ineligible for admission:
A) A candidate having compartment in any subject at 10+2 level.
B) A candidate who has been expelled or rusticated from any other institution.
- Initially all the admission will be provisional (i.e., subject to approval by HPU).
- A student can migrate from one college to another in accordance with the rules laid down by
Himachal Pradesh University.
Admission Committee Online Admission
College Prospectus Prospectus 2024-2025
For admission related enquiry, contact following: -
Admission (Arts)
Dr. Suneela Sharma
Prof Krishna Prakash (Ist Year)
Prof. Visheshar Lal (Ist Year)
Dr Shalini Dharmani (Second & Third Year)
Dr. Niti Gupta (Second & Third Year)
Admission (Commerce)
Prof. Pallavi Chauhan
Dr. Isha Dhiman
Dr. Ina Rani